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New Hampshire Born Rock Duo 19 Miles Per Hour Releases “Looking Back”

Calling All Broken Hearted Folks, This One’s For You

I’m scrolling TikTok one day and come across a clip of a band who makes my ears perk up. I’ve found several of these through Instagram reels and TikToks lately, but this band tickles a special part of my brain. Who are they? 

They’re called 19 Miles Per Hour, and they just released a new single called “Looking Back”. It’s a song about a tough breakup one of the band members, Mikey, just went through. “Looking Back” was penned in hopes of giving other victims of heartbreak something to relate to. I’ve been in touch with the band for a little over a month now about this single, and the song has been out even a few weeks now, but I waited until this very moment to listen to it. I myself have been having a tough time in the love department lately, so I knew I needed to brace myself for this one. 

“Do you still think about me? I’m hoping that you do. Can’t stand the songs that we’d sing, cause I can’t sing the parts for two”

Ouch. The song begins slow and somber, I’m thinking I’m in for a beautiful slow jam (I’m a sucker for those.) Immediately after the first verse, the sound explodes into a power ballad-y experience. 

“It’s not too late to change your mind”

It hurts to listen to, I admit. It feels like a needle strung with barbed thread trying to piece together my broken heart but I can’t stop listening to it. The guitar parts are strong and catchy, the vocals pull me in. This is absolutely one of those songs I would listen to looking out the car window in the rain. If you’re going through a breakup, go ahead and add this one to your playlist of songs to cry to. 

 If you haven’t yet heard of this band, I strongly advise you take some time out of your day and dive in. They’re two brothers wanting to take on music full time. They’ve got over 20k followers on TikTok and they’ve got a hefty amount of content up. Several songs on streaming services, and hey, if you feel like hitting them up about how their music spoke to you, chances are they’ll answer. 

Keep up with 19 Miles Per Hour right here!



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