Irreverent interviews in the rain at Warped Tour ‘16 (Charlotte) Part 2
Irreverent interviews in the rain at Warped Tour ‘16 (Charlotte)
Molly Shores and Dianna Augustine
Make sure to catch a Warped Tour surprise at the end of this article!!
Warped Tour 2016 might have fewer stages, higher tempuratures and more political talks, but the heart of Warped holds strong: bring music to the masses of all ages, all abilities, and all backgrounds.
This year we had the pleasure of running into old pals like Set it Off and making new friends with Issues and pee partners with Bad Seed Rising. Everyone was having a gay ol’ time with our PG-13 humor and sketchbooks when the rain started.
At one point three interviews were going on at once in a room smaller than a shipping crate. Interviews pressed on and spirits were only slightly dampened
Below you’ll find interviews we livestreamed via Periscope with Bad Seed Rising, Issues, and Set it Off. To see our other interviews from this tour stop please check them out here.
Bad Seed Rising introduced themselves by telling Molly “I’m gonna break you!”
From there, we were fast friends talking about music as an emotional outlet, Fallout 4, and Vans (the shoes). Follow their tour, and listen to their newest release: I Can Feel You.
Issues welcomed us with heart-shaped glasses and big smiles, and also taught us a bit of Japanese. With their upcoming tour taking them to Knotfest (Japan), they are wise to be learning the language.
After a little rant about Maid and Cat Cafes, they promised to keep fans in the loop of their adventures abroad via social media. Their newest release should keep you full for now: Headspace.
Set It Off really represented the knacks of their stylist with great hair. The conversation was even greater, with the two guitarists giving us some realtalk time about growing up with Warped and being lucky enough to tour along-side bands you admire. Their newest release is entitled Upside Down.
Newest video “Something New.”
See your Warped 2016 favorites singing a pop song they’ve never heard before!
Edited by Marc Mues and filmed by Molly Shores
Until next time – Warped fans stay sweaty.

Links you might enjoy –
Remaining Vans Warped Tour dates here. Full gallery here Irreverent interviews in the rain at Warped Tour ‘16 (Charlotte) Part 1
Stay tuned for our coverage of Warped Tour – PA