Dave Matthews Band Brings the Heat to PNC Music Pavilion

Dave Matthews Band typically makes a tour stop in Charlotte, NC in each of its touring years, and it typically occurs in the summer month of July. As most of our viewers know, July in the Carolinas is hot and humid, so when DMB scheduled the show for May, I thought a cooler temperature for a DMB show would be very welcome by all. Well, I believe Dave and crew brought the July heat with them, because the high temperature hit 96 degrees, and it was still 92 degrees outside when the band hit the stage at 7:50 pm.
The show was scheduled to begin at 7:30, but the sun was still trying to set in the sky. The stage faces west, so every few minutes the band’s crew would come out on stage and take a look at the sun situation because otherwise, the performers would definitely be blinded by the sun until it set behind the lawn seating hill. The folks in the pit had been waiting for hours in the heat in the parking lot for a chance to get up close to the stage. Finally, around 7:50, the band started walking out on stage, and all the anticipation of the evening came to fruition. The crowd started cheering and Dave made his way to pick up his guitar near the drum kit. Without the amps turned on yet, Dave tested out his guitar with a few strums, then came to the microphone, and in his silly voice said, “I hope I have a good time tonight,” and then a few seconds later said, “I hope you do too.”
Really, the whole night was a good time in Charlotte, NC at the PNC Music Pavilion. Dave Matthews Band fans were singing and dancing the night away. Each Dave show is a little different because the setlist is never the same. There might be a few of the same songs played each night, but each night of a DMB concert is really unique. This means that concertgoers can never guess what is coming next and keeps the anticipation of what song is coming next a thrill.
Among some of the songs performed were One Sweet World, Where Are You Going, Crush, Granny, Lover Lay Down, Dancing Nancies, Warehouse, Jimi Thing, Two Step, and a list of others. During Dancing Nancies, the incredible Tim Reynolds tore into a guitar solo shredding away. His ability to have his way with his guitar is simply amazing and fascinating. While the band played “Warehouse” (among other songs), Dave broke into his funky dance moves. Then after the song ended he said, “It doesn’t matter if I can’t dance, I dance anyway.” We all can let loose here and there and not care what others think about us. It’s definitely a wonderful way to live, not caring what others might think of you, even if you can’t dance.
There were a few other surprises during the show that were definitely fun to see. For instance, during “Jimi Thing,” there seemed to be a duel playoff between the keyboardist and the guitarist, Tim Reynolds. The duel went back and forth many times, and DMB songs can really get drawn out in a jam session, but really, it was very mesmerizing to watch and hear.
The summer tour runs through the end of September with a few festival dates thrown in. It’s never too late to be a DMB fan. Each concert that the band puts on is as enjoyable as the prior one. Dave’s voice is strong and the band sounded great together, with the chemistry among band members quite noticeable. Not only is the music great, but you will also get the visual performance with the great stage lighting during the course of the evening.
Take a look at the remainder of the tour stops this summer and catch a DMB show (or more if you can).
Click Here for Tickets and Tour Information!
Click Here for the Full Gallery of the Evening!
If you happened to capture any shots of the night, feel free to tag us on social media at Shutter 16 Magazine and throw in #Shutter16 and #TwitFromThePit for the world to see.