Adelitas Way Delivers In Charlotte

Welcome To Nights Like This Tour Stops At Amos’ Southend
incapable of being conquered, defeated, or subdued.
insuperable; insurmountable
Back in April of 2009, Las Vegas rockers Adelitas Way released their debut single “Invincible” setting the rock world on fire. The song would become a hit, featured in commercials and live sporting events and Adelitas Way has never looked back. These Vegas bad boys are fully independent, depending on their own talent and hard work to make it or break it. Luckily, they have all the goods with top-notch songs, excellent musicianship, and an electrifying live show that has won them the hearts of rock fans all over. In fact, Adelitas Way has over 300 million streams, an enormous number for a band without major label support. They are doing things the way they want to do them and kicking ass along the way.
The band is currently out on the Welcome To Nights Like This Tour, bringing along one of our other favorite Vegas rock bands Otherwise along with Moon Fever and Above Snakes. This past Friday, the band kicked off the tour right here in the Queen City at Amos’ Southend, and oh what a night it was. I knew it would be a fantastic show as Adelitas Way is an amazing live band, but the night was also full of more than a few surprises that made it extra special.
Getting things started early was Boston-based rockers Above Snakes. Formed by vocalist Johnny Skulls and guitarist Dax Dabs after years of friendship and frustration at the Los Angeles scene, the band just might be the next real deal. Taking the stage with a fire lit under them, their set was intense from the start. Skulls is on his way to becoming a premier frontman as he interacted with the fans at the barricade, urging them on. His colorful dreadlocks were flying as his head was banging with his voice a commanding presence. Dabs is an intense player with sizzling leads that make him a standout. Their latest single “81 (Thallium)” is a driving banger as the shouts of “kill, kill, kill’ begin a frenzied pace. Much like the metal thallium, Above Snakes are heavy metal that’s inelastic, refusing to bend or break. Be sure to get there early and check these guys out!
Up next, we got some music from the opposite coast with Seattle rock band Moon Fever. The band took the stage and kicked off their set with “Getting Loud” and as soon as they got going, the crowd sure did. Lead vocalist Triston Bracht is an enigmatic showman. Reminding me of a young Scott Weiland and donning a leather jacket and mirrored sunglasses, Bracht would take the crowd on a mindblowing journey. With a voice that makes you take notice and a stage presence that is out of this world, he quickly had the crowd under his control. Climbing up on the barricade or diving down onto the stage and leaning backwards into the pit, Bracht was all over the stage. Of course, a band wouldn’t be a band without all its members and the guys in Moon Fever are excellent in every way. Do not miss their latest single “Nothing Left To Lose” and check out why I instantly fell in love with Moon Fever.
Fans of both Adelitas Way and Otherwise have been waiting for years for these two bands to finally be on a tour together and now it was finally happening. Otherwise hit it hard with lead vocalist Adrian Patrick quickly weaving his magical spell over the fans.
He pointed at fans, clasped hands with fans across the barricade, and even held out the microphone so that fans could join in on the fun and sing along. The lineup of the band has changed a bit over the years, but the core of Otherwise with vocalist Adrian and his brother Ryan on guitar has remained the same. Add in drummer Joe Conner behind the kit and Sean Fitz on the bass and you have the recipe for success.
The band was on fire as they roared through song after song, getting better and better as the set went on. This was part of the evening where our first surprise occurred as we found out it was Ryan’s birthday. Everyone sang “Happy Birthday” and held up their drinks in cheers! I’m thinking it was probably a pretty memorable birthday for him because it definitely was for us. Another surprise happened at the end of their set when the band brought a group of veterans out on the stage to help sing “Soldiers,” providing a powerful and emotional ending to their time on stage. Go check out their latest release “Gawdzillionaire.”
After a short break, the anticipation throughout the venue was high as we were all anxious for Adelitas Way to come out and kill it and kill it they did! Drummer Trevor “Tre” Stafford was the first to make his way out, holding his sticks in the air to salute the crowd with bassist Andrew Cushing following. Last but certainly not least was lead singer Rick DeJesus, microphone cord wrapped snugly around his hand and ready to rock. We took soon took off on a rock and roll ride with “Bad Reputation” setting the tone for what would be an amazing night of music and good times.
Tre is an absolute animal on the drums, driving a thundering pace all night long while Andrew’s bass lines hold it all together. Rick is a vocal powerhouse, soaring when needed and evoking all the emotions of the music in each and every note. Let’s not forget this is a rock show though and people were jumping, screaming, and singing all evening long. A great time was being had by all but especially for a particular young couple which brings us to another surprise event of the evening. Rick brought a young man onstage under the guise of having him select who would get a drumstick thrown to them but it was actually something very different. Rick told him to bring his girlfriend up on the stage and lo and behold the man went down on his knee and we had an Adelitas Way concert marriage proposal. She, of course, said yes! It was a great moment that I’m sure the couple will never forget and very nice of the band to accommodate them.
The setlist was a nice mix of all the band’s hits with some new stuff thrown in as well with their single “Talk” fitting right in with tracks like “Ready for War” and “Notorious.” But, the night couldn’t end without Adelitas Way giving us one more song “Invincible” which took us to new heights of musical happiness.
This tour is a must-see when they roll through your city with a wicked lineup of bands that know how to deliver. Yet again, Adelitas Way proves that they will not let the music industry defeat them. They truly are “Invincible!”
Editor’s Note: Right before the publication of this review, the band posted on their Facebook page that the Notorious album is very, very close to going gold. Go stream it now!
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Tour Dates: