8/6/16 Like, what?

By: Sheila Walsh
My friends, welcome back! We’ve got a brand new playlist for ya this week and if I’m being 100% honest, there’s no theme. Whoops. I’m just really into these songs right now and wanted to share them out! I wish it was more complex or intricate than that but hey, I’m a simple person, what can I say? There’s not really rhyme nor reason to these songs and the more I look at it, the more random it becomes. Troye Sivan to Knuckle Puck to MCR. Like, what?
What I really want to know, though, is what you’re listening to these days! I’m always looking for more stuff to dive into and love when people tell me, “Hey, I think you’ll like this band.” I fall a little bit in love with people who say that to me. Also, I love learning about what my friends are into and hearing why. My favorite part about music is the way it makes people feel. Wow, don’t get me started on that. Anyway!
We’ll keep this post short and sweet, so check out the playlist below and tell me what you’re into lately!